Fair Trade Local Florists,Ohsweken,ON
724 Chiefswood Rd, Ohsweken, ON N0A 1H0
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Vera Wang by Fair Trade Local Florists

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Exclusively available at select FTD Wedding Florists, Vera Wang has designed three distinctive looks, the Traditionalist, Romanticist and Modernist. Get inspired and find your style, then work with Fair Trade Local Florists to create your wedding day dream. Fair Trade Local Florists will work closely with you for your ceremony, reception and bridal party, as well as the ultimate accessory for your moment of glory, the bridal bouquet.
 Sort by Price   $100.00 +

The FTD® Pledge My Heart™ Corsage by Vera Wang The FTD® Unforgettable Day™ Bouquet by Vera Wang The FTD® Light of Love™ Centerpiece by Vera Wang The FTD® Promise to Love You™ Bouquet by Vera Wang
The FTD® Pledge My Heart™ Corsage by Vera Wang

CA 104.99
The FTD® Unforgettable Day™ Bouquet by Vera Wang

CA 107.99
The FTD® Light of Love™ Centerpiece by Vera Wang

CA 110.99
The FTD® Promise to Love You™ Bouquet by Vera Wang

CA 112.99

The FTD® My Destiny™ Bouquet by Vera Wang The FTD® Looking to the Future™ Bouquet by Vera Wang The FTD® Give Me Forever™ Bouquet by Vera Wang The FTD® Limitless Love™ Pew Wreath by Vera Wang
The FTD® My Destiny™ Bouquet by Vera Wang

CA 115.99
The FTD® Looking to the Future™ Bouquet by Vera Wang

CA 115.99
The FTD® Give Me Forever™ Bouquet by Vera Wang

CA 120.99
The FTD® Limitless Love™ Pew Wreath by Vera Wang

CA 131.99

The FTD® Lifelong Love™ Bouquet by Vera Wang The FTD® Trusting Love™ Centerpiece by Vera Wang The FTD® Perfect Moment™ Bouquet by Vera Wang The FTD® Forever Falling for You™ Bouquet by Vera Wang
The FTD® Lifelong Love™ Bouquet by Vera Wang

CA 133.99
The FTD® Trusting Love™ Centerpiece by Vera Wang

CA 136.99
The FTD® Perfect Moment™ Bouquet by Vera Wang

CA 141.99
The FTD® Forever Falling for You™ Bouquet by Vera Wang

CA 142.99

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